
News from 2018

13 December 2018

Here is information about the ANKF seminar in Taiwan in April 2019. Click the images below to open the files.

7 December 2018

Final class of the autumn term is on Friday 21 December. Spring term starts on Friday 4 January 2019.

1 December 2018

Congratulations to Knut Högvall and Ingemar Karlsson, who (again!) claimed the guld and silver medals, respectively, at the first installment of the Swedish Cup for 2019 during the Martial Arts Festival in Stockholm.

Congratulations as well to Anna van der Heiden, who passed her 1 kyu exam at the same time.

26 October 2018

The club will be participating at the Kampsportsfestivalen martial arts fair at Stockholmsmässan during the weekend 1-2 December. Apart from demonstrations, an installment of the Swedish Cup competition will also be held, as well as a kyu grade examination. Click the image below for more information.

13 October 2018

This year's Swedish National Championships were hosted by us in Issha Kyudo Kai, and as the home team we did pretty well.

In the individual event the club carried home both the gold and silver medals through Knut Högvall and Ingemar Karlsson, respectively. This made Knut the first person to win the national championship title three times, and also the first person to manage defending his title from the previous year.

In the team event, Knut and Ingemar together with Jörgen Falk got the bronze medal.

In the total score for the Swedish Cup 2018, the gold medal was also won by Knut Högvall.

Congratulations to all involved!

(In an unusual turn of events, to say the least, representatives from the Swedish national sports organisation turned up to conduct an unannounced doping test. Four people were chosen to give samples. We're hoping nothing untoward will turn up in the results. ;) )

12 September 2018

If you signed the list at our demonstration in the Botanical Gardens during the Kulturnatten event and still haven't received a mail from us, it is because your email address was illegible. Don't worry—just send us an email at info@uppsalakyudo.se, and we will send you information about the beginners' course.

9 September 2018

Congratulations to Fredrik Karlström and Anna Darlene van der Heiden, who both passed the examination for 2 kyu today with flying colours!

And a couple of hours later, Issha showed its mettle again, when it was time for the 3rd installment of the Swedish Cup. The club carried home both the gold and silver medals, thanks to Knut Högvall and Ingemar Karlsson. Congratulations!

8 September 2018

This year's edition of the Kulturnatten event ran smoothly. Again, we had tremendous luck with the weather. There are a few pics uploaded to the gallery.

5 September 2018

Here is information about the seminar at Bosön 15-16 December with Sigurdsson sensei 7 dan kyoshi. Hopefully, there will also be an assistant instructor attending. Click the image below to open the PDF file.

30 August 2018

The new club jackets have arrived!

10 August 2018

Here is information about the Swedish National Championships in Uppsala on 13 October. Click the image below to open the PDF file.

9 August 2018

Soon it begins - the autumn term begins on Friday 17 August. Same hours as usual, i.e. Wednesdays 8pm-10pm, and Fridays 6.30pm-9.30pm.

A beginners course will start on Friday 21 September, after the demonstration in the Botanical Gardens at the Kulturnatten event.

12 June 2018

Summer practice is held every Wednesday 6.30pm–9.30pm in Johannesbäcksskolan. You can also practice whenever you want at the outdoor dojo in Ekebyboda. Send an email to the treasurer if you want to practice at Ekebyboda.

The autumn term begins on Friday 17 August.

8 June 2018

The 2018 winner of the Club Championships is Jörgen Falk. Behind him, it took three extra rounds to separate Fredrik Karlström, who took the silver, and Leon Li, who had to settle for the bronze this time. Congratulations, everyone!

29 May 2018

Friday 8 June is the final class of the semester. We start off with the Club Championships, and when the dust has settled, we'll go out for a bite together. Tell us by mail if you want to join.

29 May 2018

On Wednesday 6 June, practice starts early, and the we practice for a full three hours—6.30pm–9.30pm.

15 May 2018

Finally, the examination results are here! Congratulations are in order to Helin Ciftci, Christine Alveblad, Kajsa Holmberg, Leon Li, and Elisabeth Jansson, who all passed the test for 2 dan.

3 April 2018

The documents below regarding Tokyo are updated (the schedule and the dojo breakdown).

26 March 2018

Below you can find all documents concerning the seminars/examinations in Tokyo.

23 March 2018

In Swedish, Good Friday is "Long Friday", so we're having an extra loooong training session on Good Friday, between 12am and 4 pm. Early enough to get you home to your family and friends for that Easter partying!

Open dojo, free admission - everybody welcome!

17 March 2018

Linda Inthivong Wohlin from Seikyukai was elected Swedish national representative for kyudo for the coming two years. Congratulations!

9 March 2018

The AGM was held today in the dojo. The new board looks as follows:

Chairman: Knut Högvall

Members: Christine Alveblad, Svante Ramberg, Leon Li, Anna van der Heiden

Substitute: Anna Svensson

9 February 2018

The AGM is held on Friday 9 March 2018 in the dojo. See PDF below.

4 February 2018

The next kyu grade examination and the second installment of the Swedish Cup 2018 will be held in Järlåsa on Saturday 7 April. For more information, click the image below.

18 January 2018

The national team has been selected for the World Championships in Tokyo in April. It consists of our own Knut Högvall, plus Jan Graaf from Kenshou, Arne Högberg from Seikyukai, and Uwe Klosa from Hokushinkan. It might happen that the team visits our dojo to get some joint practice.

3 January 2018

Today is the first practice of spring term! Same hours as last year – Wednesdays 8.00 pm - 10.00 pm and Fridays 6.30pm - 9.30 pm.
