Archived news from 2012
11 December 2012:
Final class Tuesday 18 December. Join the last class before Christmas!
10 December 2012:
Congratulations to our newly graded members: Anna, Chinami and Jörgen, who all passed the test for 3 kyu in Linköping this Sunday!
7 December 2012:
Kyu grade examination in Linköping on Sunday 9 December. Good luck, everyone!
3 December 2012:
The club will do a number of demonstrations at the city council health care event 3-4 December. More pictures will hopefully follow.
2 December 2012:
The autumn seminar at Bosön is finished. A truly Scandinavian event with participants from all three countries!
28 October 2012:
Congratulations to Uwe, who got the silver medal in the individual finals at the National Swedish Championships! Also, congratulations to the Issha team—Monica, Per and Knut—who got the bronze medal in the team competition!
26 October 2012:
4 October 2012:
The autumn term seminar will be held on 1-2 December, and will be arranged by Seikyukai at the Bosön sports centre. As usual, the instructor will be Ray Dolphin sensei, 6 dan kyoshi.
The official invitation, containing detailed information, and the application form can be found by clicking the pics below.
17 September 2012:
NB! On Tuesdays, practice is at Liljeforsskolan at 6.00 PM – 9.00 PM until and including 2 October!
15 September 2012:
Congratulations to our new kyu grade holders: Johan 3 kyu, and Uwe and Per 2 kyu!
13 September 2012:
Issha Kyudo Kai will host the Swedish National Kyudo Championships 2012! Click the image below to open the PDF with the official invitation (Swedish only):
9 September 2012:
The demonstration at the Kulturnatten event was a tremendous success, with articles appearing in the local newspapers (on the web and the printed edition), as well as being a prominent feature in the local TV news coverage. Click the image below to watch the newscast!
20 August 2012:
There are now several new albums with lots of pics!
16 August 2012:
The club will have a demonstration in the Botanical Gardens during Kulturnatten in Uppsala on Saturday 8 September. Click the image below for more information.
27 July 2012:
Autumn term starts Friday 24 August in the Johannesbäck dojo!
18 July 2012:
Congratulations to Monica, who passed her shodan test at the ANKF seminar in Paris, and to Emma, Knut and Ingemar who passed the nidan test!
29 June 2012:
Big in Japan!
Check out the pics on the Asahi homepage! :)
25 June 2012:
The next beginners class starts Friday 7 September. Help spread the information to anybody you think might be interested.
22 June 2012:
Happy midsummer!
Summer practice is held all through the summer, indoors and outdoors. Information about specific times and dates are sent by mail/text message to all who have paid the summer practice fee.
2 June 2012:
Congratulations to the members (Erik, Per, Uwe, Monica) who passed their examinations at the national seminar!
29 May 2012:
The club will stage a demonstration together with members from Seikyukai at UppCon, Friday 15 June 4:30pm - 5:30pm, outside the UKK concert hall, facing the square. Come watch, and bring all your friends!
24 May 2012:
Summer practice starts after the seminar 2 June. We will be shooting indoors in Johannesbäcksskolan, and outdoors on the baseball pitch in Gränby when there is clement weather, and on the weekends in Ekebyboda. More information will follow.
24 May 2012:
Friday 1 June is the final practice of the spring term. Same hours, but the practice is moved to Gamlishallen, since we have to put the hall in order for the seminar the following day!
10 May 2012:
On Friday 18 May, the practice is moved to 12-4 pm in Johannesbäcksskolan.
7 May 2012:
The next national seminar will be held on 2 June, again in Gamlishallen in Uppsala! The seminar will be led by instructors from Seikyukai in Stockholm, and is open for all members of all clubs in the country—from rubber bow beginners to 28 meter shooters. It will also be possible to take kyu examinations for those members who are recommended by their club instructors. Complete information can be found in the PDF that is opened when you click the image below.
26 April 2012:
Seminar in Gamlishallen
Clipping from Uppsalatidningen, Thursday 26 April, "What's Hot":
Come watch! Public spectators welcome! :)
Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm
Sunday: 9 am - 3.45 pm
16 April 2012:
A national seminar with an opportunity for kyu examinations will be held in Uppsala on Saturday 2 June at 10 am - 4 pm. The seminar is open for everyone—from rubber bow beginners to dan grades. More information will follow.
16 April 2012:
On Tuesday 1 May the pratice is moved to Johannesbäcksskolan 12am - 4 pm. NB: Not in Flogstaskolan today!
10 April 2012:
Information about the seminars, examination and competition in Paris is added to the Swedish Kendo Federation homepage.
6 April 2012:
Extra Good Friday practice today 12am - 4pm in Johannesbäcksskolan.
26 March 2012:
The final beginners class for the spring term begins Tuesday 3 April.
20 February 2012:
A few pics from the demonstration at the Sturepilen competition on 28 January are added in Pics.
11 February 2012:
Spring term's national seminar is rapidly approaching! Instructing, as usual, will be Ray Dolphin sensei, 6 dan kyoshi, and the date is set to 28-29 April. New for this year is that the seminar will be held in Uppsala for the first time, at the reins of Issha Kyudo Kai! :) We will practice in Gamlishallen, and all club members will help to make it a great seminar! :)
The invitation, containing detailed information, and the application form can be found by clicking the pics below.
11 February 2012:
NB! No practice Friday 9 March!
8 February 2012:
The club now has a PlusGiro account: 63 03 88-7. So everybody is free to pay their practice fee!
6 February 2012:
The next beginners class starts Tuesday 21 February.
31 January 2012:
Two small pics from Saturday's demonstration on the BK Fiskgjusen web page. We're hoping for more pics from the arranger BSK Sturarna later.
23 January 2012:
A guestbook is added to the homepage (only in Swedish).
19 January 2012:
The club will perfom a demonstration at the archery contest Sturepilen on 28 January. More info about the demonstration, the contest and the arranging club BK Sturarna can be found by clicking here.
18 January 2012:
A calendar is added to the homepage (only in Swedish).
1 January 2012:
Ten days until the start of first beginners class of the spring term! There are only a few places left, so mail us your application today if you want to join!