We had our usual demonstration at the Kulturnatten event in the Botanical Gardens, for the first time since the pandemic. Again, we had luck with the weather, and the crowd was large and interested. A big Thank you to everybody who helped!
Instalment 2 of the Swedish Cup is over. The gold went to Jenny Eriksson, the silver to Per Ybo, and the bronze to Knut Högvall. Congratulations!
Practice is cancelled on Friday 2 September due to other activities in the hall.
The autumn term starts on Friday 12 August. Note that the times on Wednesdays have been moved one hour later again, so the hours will be as follows:
Wednesdays 8.00pm-10.00pm
Fridays 6.30pm-9.30pm
On Wednesday 16 June we will do dojo maintenance work, fixing the floor protectors, mato forms, club yumi and everything else that needs some TLC.
På fredag 17/6 är det öppen träning på vanliga träningstiden.
The Club Championships were held this Friday, at the final practice of the spring term. Conratulations to Knut, Christine, and Johan who won the medals.
A bit of good news is sorely needed in these days. The city council has now given us our alloted time slots for next year, and starting from the coming autumn term, we have been given back our original Friday hours (i.e. starting from 6.30pm), and after five years of tough negotiations, we have managed to get the Wednesday practice to start one hour earlier. So, starting from August, the practice hours will be as follows:
Wednesdays 7.00pm–9.00pm
Fridays 6.30pm–9.30pm
Our ISP is suspending their image bank service in August, without giving any explanation or offering any alternatives. Therefore, all images under the menu option PICS will disappear. We are looking into whether the images can be saved for posterity in some other way.
The AGM has been held. To the new (and slightly trimmed) board, the assembly elected Knut Högvall as chairman, with Christine Alveblad and Svante Ramstedt filling the other spots.
The 2022 AGM will be held in the dojo on Friday 8 April at 8pm.
Congratulations to Issha members Agnes Sjöblom, who passed her 2 kyu exam, and George B. Cheng, who passed
1 kyu.
Congratulations also to Knut Högvall and Christine Alveblad, who took silver and bronze, respectively, in the first installment of the Swedish Cup 2022. (Per Ybo of Hokushinkan took the gold.)
Practice is cancelled Friday 25 February because most members will be at the seminar on Bosön the following weekend.
Happy New Year! This term we hope everything will be back to normal as soon as possible. We kick off the spring term on Wednesday 4 January, when we meet in the dojo to repair the equipment before the start of term on Friday 6 January. Welcome!